Saturday, November 15, 2008

Conehead Caruso

Basie had a growth removed from his paw earlier this week. When he came home from the vet his paw was neatly wrapped in a bright yellow bandage. Today we went in to have the bandage taken off, but since he still has stitches for another 10 days or so, he got.....the cone.

Poor guy. The ultimate in pet humiliation.

Miles response: "Awww, Basie looks silly!"

Yes. Yes, he does.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Miles turns 3!

November 5, 2008: Three years old today (But still a grump in the mornings, just like his mom.)

That evening, Grandma and Grandpa came down for a birthday dinner at the house and Miles opened a few gifts. Vince was just as excited to play with the new toys as Miles was!

Miles had a GREAT Halloween!

Several weeks back I picked up a warm, fuzzy racoon costume at a second-hand store. Miles loved it and wore it around the house many times in the following weeks. A few days before Halloween, some friends offered us their Lightning McQueen costume....Miles was SO excited. So, needless to say, the racoon costume stayed in the closet and he got to dress up as Lightning McQueen for festivities at daycare.

He surprised us all, however, when he asked to be the racoon when we went out trick-or-treating that night. We thought it was pretty cool that both costumes were put to good use.

We went trick-or-treating with our good friends, the Wales, again this year. Their older boys, AJ and Braden, showed Miles and Hunter what to do. And unlike last year when we had to pull the younger two boys around in a wagon, this year they were HIGHLY motivated to get candy by knocking on doors. It was a really fun evening!